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Provide Lifesaving Care Today

When you rush an emergency gift to Project HOPE today, your gift multiplies 4X in lifesaving impact to help children and families in Ukraine, Turkey, and for others enduring crises and health challenges around the world. Thank you for helping us secure donated medicine, volunteers, and additional funding from public and private institutions.

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BBB Accredited Charity
87% of our expended resources supports programs. 13% supports administration and fundraising.
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PO Box 3270
Harlan, IA 51593-0450

Need help with your donation? Please contact our Donor Services team at 1 (844) 349‑0188 Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 9:00pm ET or email

Make a tax‑deductible gift with your donor-advised fund or cryptocurrency.

A gift to this appeal will be used to support Project HOPE’s global emergency response, medical, educational and humanitarian assistance programs, wherever the need is greatest. Project HOPE — The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc. Dba Project HOPE is a 501(c)(3) not‑for‑profit organization, CFC #11115, EIN 53‑0242962.